And when you finally decide to
STOP and Breathe...
Once you do, things will begin slowing down, as if they’d been turning. And you’ll start to see yourself and notice patterns and get spurts of nirvana and tastes of deep emotion in oneness. Things shift and change and the depth catches your eye. About that time, this feeling of a churning liquid light around the bass of your spine will … emerge and then the information will appear in your experience that will show you what is happening to this earth and your self as your body and what you really are. Incredible peace comes with this along with a yearning, confusion filled with gratitude. This knowing that you know, resisting the urge. You get the “Just Be” cliche, you get it and you know that everyone else gets it too. At their very core, somewhere in there, they get it too. And an incredible feeling of peace.
Then one day you’ll notice that when you focus on feeling this, churning light at the base of your spine. Youll start to feel it pulse and you can also move it around in your body as well as project it out. What for? What is this for? That’s for you to figure out. That’s the fun part. This middle of middle of nowhere town just became more interesting. You have a third eye that exists out of time. It’s the strangest thing … Time … when you think of what it really is and accept the idea of living Out of it ... You also may have a knowing memory of a future time and place and remember coming here to this experience for reasons.
Youll notice energy and light in life… eat light, Eat light! Just simply remember why you eat. And Love everyone, Love all of life, its ALL alive and youre part of it too. Love them all just for being here with you on the same ground in this epic experience and transition. So vast, and we are ALL here together. Same ground, no matter what borders we put up … Same ground (Truth)
The feeling of one day waking up here. Like, having been somewhere else before, and then opening your eyes and waking up HERE, on this planet. Having nothing, no work, no home, no possessions in this life. Waking up to this. Its the greatest gift and later you will remember why you chose the initiation. When you have nothing, and call the earth home, everything becomes a gift. Eye’ll say it again, Everything becomes a gift … why? Because youre thankful for it, because you can actually appreciate it. You see the river flowing …… and you know which way to go, without even trying. The more you allow, the more you see the things and people come in and out of your life, the deeper and simpler and happier things become. Climbing out of even the disease concept. People still suffer, we must show them they can heal themselves. Past all this drama of tragedy and opinions. If we STOP for a moment and just really truly look during the third exhale we will see, We will see what we need to do. None of this bullshit and games … maybe we’ll all see it with the same eye … release the beast, the stress, Nothing needs to be done …. Just for this moment at least ……. Remember whats important, love what YOU yourself love, love it for all its worth and ya know what. Things that you don’t really love that don’t really serve you will just phase out. You wont even notice because youll be in love ………. And theres no looking back. And theres no limit to the expansion of this river… fathom the possibilities of your mind ….. go and do and be. Change at any moment, Stand up on your own two barefeet and breathe. Add to this world, this culture, this matrix, this weave, add to it. Create it, help it grow.
Your gift is your very own world. The weight of it is yours. It is what you want it to be and see. You have that much responsibility and control to the most literal sense your mind can comprehend. The feeling of your heart is the key to abundance. You are needed, we are here together, and now is the time.