“Turtle Island is in motion, thirteen moons, one galactic ocean.”
An original mixed media piece on (18” x 24”) watercolor paper using genuine Lapis Lazuli watercolor paint, Micron Pens, Prisma markers and pencils along with Gold shimmering ink. Comes with a custom frame.
“According to the prophecy, Telektonon, only by returning to the correct timing frequency by the specific means of the Thirteen Moon Calendar will humanity save itself and be restored to a state of universal telepathy in tune with the rest of the species and the Law of Time…”
“Because it’s the truth we do not charge for it. This is a message of living prophecy, and this living prophecy is now churning and turning in the hearts and minds of many people in many places on this planet. This is a living prophecy, a living message, and we are messengers. We are planetary peace-pilgrim messengers and galactic messengers. We are bringing news of the arrival of galactic culture.”, concluded. (Argüelles, José, 1995).
(Original art with custom frame)