Sri Yantra Mandala

(3' x 3' Burned Sri Yantra Mandala on a wooden box)

"In Vedic texts, the Sri Yantra is defined as a device formed by nine interlocking triangles. Four triangles point upward (representing Shiva) overlapping with five downward-pointing triangles (representing Shakti). The triangles are placed in a circle surrounded by the two levels of lotus-petals, which in turn are surrounded by an outer circle and enclosed in a tantra design, serving as a protective cover. As the devotee enters into the Mandala, represented by the Sri Yantra, he leaves behind the worldly distractions and conflicts; and is transported into a world of symbols and visualizations. The triangles surround and radiate out from a bindu point. The bindu represents the junction point between the physical universe and its un-manifest source. The nine triangles are interlaced in such a way so as to create forty three smaller triangles symbolic of the entire cosmos."


Transported back to Downeast Maine to a huge barn with a gr333n roof, To Bee Sanded!!

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Ultimate Work Space, Breezy Sun Porch facing Woods and Water. Bald Eagles non stop, Ayup!!!

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"When the student learns to rise on the planes, the gateway, to within is found in his ability to look closely at the different forces that combine to produce his illusory self. Descending into the minute fibers on his being, he sees the separation between the different elements that compose the personality. He discovers for himself that his identity does not really have any inherent existence, that the shade of purple that he identifies as himself is nothing but a combination of cosmic forces. Those cosmic forces might be unified on some higher plane, but nowhere does this happen in the material world. As he plunges deeper into himself the spaces between the threads become ever wider, revealing the abyss and a gate to the higher worlds.” 

-Kabbalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-transformation: A Complete Course by Lyam Thomas Christopher”

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“The renowned American physicist Dr. Patrick Flanagan calls the Sri Yantra the ‘king of power diagrams’ and describes its energetic effect as seventy times greater than that of a pyramid construction. This means that a three centimetre Sri Yantra possesses a greater energetic effect than a two metre pyramid. The Sri Yantra’s extraordinary energetic power depends upon its exact geometry. This complex geometry is the key to its effect and has interesting mathematical implications. In this yantra you find not only the ‘Golden Section’ but also parallels to the geometrical structure of the hydrogen atom and to the ratios of its emission lines. In line with the original Sri Yantra, we (the international Vasati company) have precisely reconstructed the Sri Yantra’s exact geometry and have given it a synergetic colouring. The Sri Yantra is auspiciously placed in the north or northeast of a room or building. The flat side of the central triangle (with a dot in the centre) should face upwards. The Sri Yantra can also energies food, beverages, or other things. Simply place appropriate items on the yantra and let them stand there for a few minutes (the longer the better). The flat side of the Sri Yantra’s central triangle should be facing east.” -Marcus Schmieke

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"It has its core in the enigma of love, to which we owe our being" -Wilhelm Reich