An original image using, Prisma pencils, micron pens, charcoal pencils, metallic markers, and gold leaf, on Watercolor Paper (18” x 24”)
"Through endings, leave-takings, loss, and grief, we develop an intimate relationship with the death goddess as she leads us to our darkest caves. By touching down into death and reclaiming the bones of our losses, we emerge knowing what it takes to survive. What we took for injury, weakness, vulnerability or shame becomes the doorway through which incredible gifts can enter: resilience, creativity, strength, and a renewed sense of faith in our own mysteries. Endings and loss are absorbed into the marrow, and we are remade."
~Kristen Roderick, Blessing Our Secret Sorrow.
“In your consciousness everything is as you have put it, but then you discover that you are not master in your own house, you are not living alone in your own room, and there are spooks about that play havoc with your realities, and that is the end of your monarchy.”
– Carl Jung, The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga