Eye close my I and hear the ticking silence creeping around the corner of this forgotten dream. This space between convulses in a divine rhythm that most miss, or so they seem. This stillness that exists here, almost so quiet it echoes a tune. A familiar tune from deep, deep within this internal mirror world. The doorway calls to me every time my eyes turn around and glance. Too many numbers to be happenstance. Is this real? The moon says nay and whispers a lucid waking state that vibrates my very core. My every cell can hear and smell this. How far, have I gone? Is there a me apart from we? I don't know any more, gladly.
Truth taps my shoulder when the wind blows by this being eye call I. More and more as time moves on eye feel, IN, this body and not of it, IN this world and not of it. Where am I looking at me from? What is this? I know this place, eye remembers. I can feel her heart beat. I can feel her warmth in my chest. The very idea of distance dissolves into a knowing. Circadian rhythms draw tears on our cheeks and eyes weep. Is this JOY, what is this feeling, LOVE!?! Eye remember it well. My eyes leak as if they have tears of their own. Thanking me for this moment. This moment, this space that I've never left.
She speaks, the earth, she weeps, the earth, she waits patiently for you. Their shoes are damming this channel. The emergency line is on hold. If time will allow, patience in now. Watch the bees and how they teach, to know thy roll when shadows sleep and in discontent with self again, we breathe, we breathe, we breathe the message through our feet. Who would believe it, who would see. Only gifted to portray the experience of this land of grey. This land that slips by, so many times. We miss it, the beneficence. We miss it, the enchantment. This inbetween, the scent of sea, the rose and thorn, conceptually, Eye see and feel and it grows. IT grows, this seed of thought tied in a knot with this passion flower. How can eye harness its Infinite power. How can we see this ONE cell that we exist in. How can it be so complicated and simple all at once. Donning the mirrored aviator sunglasses, eyes reflect the camera looking on, up on this rock to which was born a thought, imagine ONE. Imagine, play, toss around this day, this beautifully queer idea. Slip down the rainbow and leave the pride on the other side. Drop the charade, the parade ends.
Stepping out of time begins when the shoes come off, metaphorically possible and physically probable, in choice. Have eye forgotten the power of choice? Diluted by the marketing schemes inside the corporate entities. Given so many choices, everyday in every way. Absolutely saturated with it all. Yet we forget in complication and remember in simplicity. The heart speaks loud in the forest. There is always a hint of recognition, of remembrance around every trunk. You can't not hear it there, forgetting what ALIVE is. Mind concepts with witty remarks and misinformed ideas and opinions. Been there, done that and sometime visiting, eye admit it. Longing to redefine what ALIVE is, expanding on it. The very ground, we walk on it. Is it not made up of what we are? Sacred scriptural squiggles imply a farce indeed, but there is a line of truth behind the scenes. There is a message hidden, encoded for those who feel and know. Dare not receive it literal, I bet they wear shoes and preach opinion. The inversion of the manipulation is genius, applause and thankful for them.
A land exists now. A time exists now. Sometimes it feels there is a bubble and the key is frequency, the bees know it, eye see them here with me. Eye feel her here with me. There is magic, we are brothers and sisters again. It's been a long time. What happens when we wake up? We stretch and roll over? The earth is alive and breathing and hath woken from her slumber. Morning kisses with our feet will ease the weather patterns, will feed the hungry and will make the tiny plot of ground around you grow, Grow with joy. Magic expands when there's green in our hands. Let it all go, just let it all go and breathe in, I AM.
In joy and the knowing that the seed you are sowing has erased the definition of war. And for your remembering, the gift and the blessing will multiply 1000 times more. Thus creating a loop, a karmic kaput, stepping out of this path, mindfully. A balance, a knew, a refreshment, a truth, a barefoot reminder, Eye'm WE.