
An original image burned onto Poplar wood with white Prisma pencil accents, quartz crystals and wax seal ( 8” x 24”)


“He who by progress has grown from the darkness, lifted himself from the night into light, free is he made of the Halls of Amenti, free of the Flower of Light and of Life.

Guided he then, by wisdom and knowledge, passes from men, to the Master of Life.

There he may dwell as one with the Masters, free from the bonds of the darkness of night.

Seated within the flower of radiance sit seven Lords from the Space-Times above us, helping and guiding through infinite Wisdom, the pathway through time of the children of men.

Mighty and strange, they, veiled with their power, silent, all-knowing, drawing the Life force, different yet one with the children of men.

Different, and yet One with the Children of Light.

Custodians and watchers of the force of man’s bondage, ready to loose when the light has been reached.

First and most mighty, sits the Veiled Presence, Lord of Lords, the infinite Nine,
over the other from each the Lords of the Cycles; Three, Four, Five, and Six, Seven, Eight, each with his mission, each with his powers, guiding, directing the destiny of man.

There sit they, mighty and potent, free of all time and space.”

~Hermes Trismegistus The Emerald Tablet Of Hermes


(Original Art on Poplar)