Galactic Time-Clock

This began as a winter project (2013 - 2014) Pyrography on birch ply with pine frame (Dimensions 4' x 4' )

This began as a winter project (2013 - 2014) Pyrography on birch ply with pine frame (Dimensions 4' x 4' )


A new Being knows not it is being born
It simply ascends from where it is
Its nature IS the next step
Resourceful Time Beings
Regenerating light fragments of
Yesterday’s learning and politely disregarding the rest
So that when this world’s well-defined empires fall
And the lights go out on the linear hallways
And the curtains reveal
The new Beings will be found unconcerned–
in peaceful splendor
Strangely fixated on the unborn colors and sounds
With new shapes and forms dancing
On their inner screen
Hidden far insides their crystalline skulls
Where the new invisible radio frequencies take root
Receiving multiple transmissions  
renewing the art of architecture
Re-kindling nature’s NEW LIGHT
These are the ones from the beginning
–You know them–
Always held their sights on the secrets of the world
Never faltered
The Mystery was their call
And they would not give up until the Highest Dream
Was realized by All

by Stephanie South

(13:20 : FREQUENCY : SHIFT | Crossing the Bridge of Time)